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Cashflow 690 Coin Mechanism
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Product: Cashflow 690 Coin Mechanism
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a Technical Question not answered here or you feel it should be included here, please Email Us with it and we'll respond straight back to you! (Please include Machine Model)
Q...What does “Clean me” mean?
A...This means that the validator needs cleaning, to reset the error press the “Yellow” button then the “A” button twice.
Q...What does “Dispenser Error” mean?
A...This means that one of the change dispensers is either failed or jammed.
- Remove the change cassette and press the “Yellow” button twice.
- All of the change dispenser arms should run and reset in their home position.
- Refit the change cassette and press all “Blue” buttons once to dispense one of each coin.
Q...What does “AGM Error” mean?
A...This means that you have a coin jammed in the area of the validator that sorts the coins into their designated areas. (accept gate module) to clear this you must remove the jammed coin.
- Open the accept door first and check for blockages.
- If all clear then the “AGM” will need to be removed and the separator removed to checked for debris.